Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe have put in place an Integrated Management System, where course is kept at continued refinement of quality management, environment management, energy management and occupational health and safety management.
The Quality Management System according to PN-EN ISO 9001:2008 was the first to be implemented and certified, in 2003. In 2009, we implemented the environment management system according to PN - EN ISO 14001:2004 and the occupational health and safety management system according to PN-N 18001:2004.
In 2012, as one of the first enterprises in Poland, we obtained a certificate for the energy management system according to ISO 50001:2011, issued by TÜV Rheinland Poland.
The qualifications of Jastrzębskie Zakłady Remontowe Sp. z o.o. are reflected in our licences and certificates:
Certificate ISO 9001, 14001 i 45001 Format: pdf | 579 KB
Certificate ISO 50001 - energy management Format: pdf | 327 KB